BZP Comedy Wiki
The Maniac himself
ManiacToaLaco (pronounced man-I-ack-toa-lack-oe), is a comdey writer on BZP. He has done four comdies, of which two went on hiatus (one only after one chapter) and never started again. However, his other two were spoofs of the Micheal Bay Transformer movies. Transonicle, and Transonicle 2: Revenge of Icarax continued to a satisfying finish reaching (moderate) fame and glory. Both Tansonicle stories had a hiatous about halfway trhough, however, the first Transonicle's hiatus was about a year. While his spelling and grammar at times are a little meh, his works are argeed apon to be "the funnah stuff." He is currently heading into Grade 9 and starting Ideas for Transonicle 3, which he is planning to write.

His work are:
  • Down in the Blue, Blue pit (unfinished after chapter 12)
  • The Piraka Kick (unfinsished after chapter 1)
  • Transonicle (done)
  • Transonicle 2: Revenge of Icarax