BZP Comedy Wiki
BZP Comedy Wiki

BZP is back!


Welcome to the Official 'BZPower Comedy Wiki!'

Noteworthy Pages:

The BZPower Comedy Critics Club

Comedies List

Comedy Authors List

Fan-Made Characters List

Greetings my friends, welcome to the BZPower Comedy Wiki. This is the official comedy wiki for BZPower. Feel free to join and write about your comedy, or yourself in general.

NOTE: You can link to BZPower topics by clicking the third button to the right of the Strikethrough(S with a line through it) option. It is named Link, the infinity-like symbol. (not to be confused with a certain Nintendo Character. :P)

What is the BZPower Comedy Wiki?

The BZPower Comedy Wiki is the 'ONE' place to find all the comedies from BZPower! From here, you can find a comedy, read a summary of the comedy, and find out what other BZPower members have to say about it. You can even read about the authors themselves! Even if the comedy is several years old, or has not been posted in in a long time, you can still find it here! PLEASE! When Making a page about a comedy, or editing one, have a tab open to the comedy so you can check your sources! it's a lot easier on us if we don't have to track down errors, and we may be sued if our info is wrong!(ok, so the last part's made up, but hey..) The BZP Comedy Wiki is currently still a work in progress, so feel free to contribute! Also, please use correct spelling and grammar, it annoys Hubert very much when he has to correct your mistakes.


Spam is ungood. Reporting is good. Spamming and then reporting yourself is double plus ungood. If you see an example of spam (it's been known to be found) REPORT IT. This is a BZPower comedy wiki, not "I made up 200-word funny story that everyone should love" wiki. If it's not on BZPower, it shouldn't be here.

We need more activity! Write a page on your comedy, and flesh it out with a page or two about the characters!